SEND and Inclusion

The SENDCO at Trekenner is Mrs Laura Mead [Headteacher]
 contact by telephone on 01579 370435 or by email

At Trekenner CP School, we believe that all pupils have the potential to make progress and achieve their potential regardless of background or ability. Our focus is on giving children the skills to overcome barriers to learning and be successful, lifelong learners able to contribute as members of the local and global community.

As a small school, we have a very community focused and nurturing setting which is extremely conducive for the development of children with Special Educational Needs. Additionally, we have a wide range of expertise in key areas such as Autism, children’s mental health and specific learning difficulties.  We believe that all individuals face barriers to their learning at one time or another and we aim to use our range of expertise, in combination with our growth mindset approach to learning to help children to gain the skills and resilience to overcome these barriers, enjoy and achieve.

As an inclusive school, we have a wide range of focused provision for children with specific learning needs.  This provision is driven by the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. We ensure that all children with SEND have regular APDR meetings and through this process identified their barriers to learning and key strategies/ support to overcome this. More detail on this can be found in our SEND policy below.